02/21/2006     Marine Tap vs. Lemmon Oil

Marine Tap loses to Lemmon Oil 7-2


We only had 8 guys.  Brent Finner scored off a Tracy Adams rebound.  Steve Vaughan scored a beautiful goal.  He deked 2 defensemen and the goalie.



02/14/2006     Marine Tap vs. Mainstreet

Marine Tap wins over Mainstreet 5-2


MTR got it in gear Tuesday with a 5-2 win over Mainstreet.  New forward, Bill Parsons opened the scoring with a goal from close range.  Parsons then added another with an on-ice shot.  Tracy Adams got into the act with another tally.  Ken Sipe got on the score board with a top-shelf shot.  Tracy Adams finished the scoring by picking off an anticipated cross-ice Mainstreet pass and breaking in for the final goal.  The MTR boys looked solid all game



02/07/2006     Marine Tap vs. Earthscapes

Marine Tap falls to Earthscapes 4-1


It was typical Tuesday Night trouble for the 'Tap Room as they put another one in the loss column falling to Earthscapes 4-1.  Mark Evans played a solid game holding MTR in the game as long as he could.  His support was no where to be found.  Most of the team should have been charged admission the way they just stood around watching.


Brent Finner



01/31/2006     Marine Tap vs. Lakeshore Tavern

Marine Tap falls to Lakeshore Tavern 4-3


MTR looked solid for the 1st two periods but ran out of steam in the 3rd.  Steve Haines opened with a goal is the 1st to put MTR up 1-0.  Lakeshore quickly tied the game.  Steve Vaughan buried a breakaway goal to put MTR up 2-1.  Jim MacDonald put in the final MTR goal, which then had the team at a 3-1 lead.  After that it was all Lakeshore as they stormed back to a 4-3 victory.




01/24/2006     Marine Tap vs. Time Out Lounge

Marine Tap edges out Time Out Lounge 4-2


MTR looked solid again this week with a victory over 2nd place Time Out Lounge.  TOL scored first but was matched with a goal from Steve Bethune.  After that, Steve Vaughan put MTR up 2-1 with a break away goal.  Bill Parsons got into the act again this week with an on-ice shot from close quarters.  Steve Bethune finished the scoring with a second effort rebound shot on a break away.  TOL scored late in the 3rd to put the score at 4-2 but the damage had been done as MTR posted its 2nd consecutive victory.


Steve Haines




01/17/2006     Marine Tap vs. Screen Ideas

Marine Tap dominates Screen Ideas 7-1


MTR finally looked like the team from last year with a landslide win over Screen Ideas.  Steve Vaughan got MTR on the boards first with a break away.  Steve Haines then banged in a rebound from behind the SI goalie to go up 2-0.  New forward, Bill Parsons then put MTR up 3-0 with a quick shot from close range.  Steve Bethune then got into the act at the end of his shift with a vintage mystifying wrist shot.  Brent Finner, who has been the iron man scoring machine, pinched up an tallied the 5th goal.  Bill Parsons nailed the 2nd of the night with a double hit chip shot in front of the SI goalie.  Bill was claiming the assist and goal.  The shutout was spoiled by SI forward, Dean Churchill with a shot to the crossbar then off goalie Mark Evans’ back and into the net.  Brent Finner capped off the evening with a “nothing but net” goal.




01/10/2006     Marine Tap vs. Racquets (Blueline)

Marine Tap loses to Racquets 7-3


MTR came up short again against the boys from Racquets.  The night started out with a double whammy bad as AWOL goalie Mark Evans was also the beer man!  Mainstreet goalie, Mike Allsbrook was kind enough to fill in for Mark.  MTR opened first with a goal from iron man Brent Finner.  Tracy Adams continued his scoring streak with another goal.  Steve Vaughan claimed the last goal for MTR.  To add salt to the wound, Dave D’Alcorn from Racquet’s netted the game winner against MTR this week.


Steve Haines




01/03/2006     Marine Tap vs. Lemmon Oil

Marine Tap loses to Lemmon Oil 5-3


MTR continued to hit the skids with another loss to Lemmon Oil.  MTR hung in goal for goal with LO to 3-3 but gave up 2 additional goals in the 3rd to post the loss.  Brent Finner, Rich St.Denis, and Bill Parsons scored for MTR


Steve Haines



12/20/2005     Marine Tap vs. Mainstreet

Marine Tap loses to Mainstreet 7-4


MTR continued its bid for the 1st round draft pick with another loss to Mainstreet.  Goalie Mike Allsbrook’s glove proved to be to sure as few rebounds came to the waiting MTR sticks.  Tracy Adams put MTR on the boards when goalie Allsbrook mishandled the puck from behind the net – giving it up to Tracy as he buried an open netter.  Ken Sipe got his first one of the season with a pass from Brent Finner.  Brent finished the tallies with 2 goals late in the game.  By that time the damage had been done.


Steve Haines



12/13/2005     Marine Tap vs. Earthscapes

Marine Tap loses to Earthscapes 7-1


All went bad Tuesday when the MTR boys faced an army of Earthscapes players.  MTR knew something was up when ES showed up with nearly four lines of players.  MTR started fast but as the game wore on, ES came up with a barrage of goals.  Bob Korndorfer crashed the net and came up with the only MTR goal to spoil goalie Bob Graham’s shutout.  Hopefully the MTR boys can shake this one off and get some Christmas magic going against the Mainstreet boys next week.



Steve Haines



12/06/2005     Marine Tap vs. Lakeshore Tavern

Marine Tap defeats Lakeshore 6-3


Brent Finner (this guy is a machine!) continued his goal scoring frenzy with 4 goals Tuesday to put a “W” up for the MTR boys.  MTR came out solid and fast.  MTR let up a bit in the 3rd, allowing 2 goals.  Tracy Adams also tallied with drive to the net goal.  Steve Haines added one with a text book pass from Steve Vaughan.  The MTR boy are not sure if they want more wins or to play for the draft pick at this point.  Only time will tell.


Game MVP (again) – Brent Finner!!!


Steve Haines


11/29/2005     Marine Tap vs. Time Out

Marine Tap falls to Time Out 2-1


I only was able to see the last 7 minutes of the game.  Steve Bethune was the only scorer to be found for MTR.  The team was sour after the game but cheered up after a few refreshments.  Let’s get ‘em next time


Steve Haines


11/22/2005     Marine Tap vs. Screen Ideas

Marine Tap ties Screen Ideas 2-2


Last time MTR played Screen Ideas, MTR let them back into the game and ultimately to a tie.  This time out it was MTR who got back to the tie.  It was the Brent Finner show as both teams skated to what looked would be a 1-1 tie.  With 11 seconds left in the game, Kevin Stafford from SI blazed it to score what looked like the game winner.  From center face off, the puck was dumped to the SI goalie where he froze the puck.  With about 3 seconds left, Brent Finner tied the game with a shot that was redirected several times, stunning the SI team!


Game MVP – Brent Finner!!!


Steve Haines


11/15/2005     Marine Tap vs. Racquets

Marine Tap wins over Racquets 4-1


MTR finally got one in the “W” column with a victory of the boys in red from Racquets.  Playing center, Tracy Adams opened the scoring with a sharp angle goal on Racquets goalie, Scott Christmas.  Steve Vaughan then lit it up on the next 2 to put MTR up 3-1.  Brent “Rocket Man” Finner capped of the scoring with a goal in the 3rd.  The defense was solid all game.  Mark Evans came up big a few times.  Let’s see if MTR can keep it going next week against Screen Ideas.


Steve Haines



11/08/2005     Marine Tap vs. Lemmon Oil

Marine Tap loses to Lemmon Oil 6-4


MTR continued on the skids with another loss.  As the MTR boys hit the late night game they were without goalie Mark Evans – AWOL.  Scott Christmas from Racquet’s was kind enough to fill in.  The boys put up a fight but in the end could not get it done.  Brent Finner was star of the team with 2 goals – 1 of which was tipped in from a shot from his dad, Larry Finner, from the point.  Rich St.Denis added to the good with a goal from the short side.  Steve Vaughan also tallied with a face off shot which was unseen by goalie Keith Gabris.


Steve Haines


11/01/2005     Marine Tap vs. Mainstreet

Marine Tap loses to Maintreet 1-0


MTR lost in a controversial game Tuesday against Mainstreet.  MTR had a goal waved off when the ref said the puck was kicked in.  Too bad they did not notice that it went in off a Mainstreet player!  Another blunder came when MTR chipped the puck over the blue line out of their zone only to have Mainstreet bring the puck back in offsides with no call and score.  The ref stated that we brought it back over the line!  MTR sent several shots ringing off the posts during the game – just not our night.  MTR is still looking for that elusive 1st win.


Steve Haines



10/25/2005     Marine Tap vs. Earthscapes

Marine Tap loses to Earthscapes 6-5


MTR came up short against the improved Earthscapes(ES) (formerly Tan-n-Tone) team Tuesday.  MTR hung in there with 7 skaters until the end of the game keeping within 2 goals of ES.  It was the Brent Finner/Jim MacDonald show for MTR.  Brent ended up with a hat trick and Jim MacDonald 2 goals.  Hopefully we will have better attendance next week.


Steve Haines


10/18/2005     Marine Tap vs. Lakeshore Tavern

Marine Tap loses to Lakeshore Tavern 7-4


MTR was skating in quicksand Tuesday night against the much improved Lakeshore Tavern team. 


Steve Haines



10/11/2005     Marine Tap vs. Time Out Lounge

Marine Tap loses Time Out Lounge 4-3


MTR came up short against Time Out Lounge – not enough jump!


Steve Haines



10/04/2005     Marine Tap vs. Screen Ideas

Marine Tap ties Screen Ideas 2-2


MTR came out aggressive for the opening season game with a 2 goal start.  Tracy Adams started the season off with a tally in the 1st period.  Brent Finner put in the 2nd goal with a blast from the slot.  MTR forgot there were 3 periods in the game and let Screen Ideas back in the game for 2-2 tie.


Steve Haines