04/06/2004     Marine Tap vs. Westside/Fricano’s

Marine Tap defeats Westside/Fricano’s 5-3 When is the Parade?


MTR proved to be unstoppable Tuesday as they skated to victory over Westside.  Things looked a bit odd as Westside employed the “cherry picker plan” by having someone stay at MTR’s blue line.  That move paid off for Westside as they tallied the first goal of the game.  MTR answered back quickly, with a goal from Rich St.Denis to tie it up.  A slashing duel then took place between MTR’s Tracy “Mr. CCM”, and Tim Schuppe.  Tracy ended up with 4 minutes while Tim racked up 5 minutes with a game misconduct.  With Westside’s bench whittled down to 6 skaters, MTR took the lead with a goal from Steve Vaughan.  Westside came back with another to tie it up.  In an uncharacteristic shot, Steve Haines fired an open ice wrister past goalie Keith Gabris to put MTR back in the lead once again.  MTR was crashing the net as Ken Sipe knocked in a rebound for what ended up being the game winner.  Steve Haines added one more with a pass from Tracy Adams in the 3rd.  Westside managed one more goal but not enough to make the difference.



03/30/2004     Marine Tap vs. Tan-n-Tone

Marine Tap defeats Tan-n-Tone 2-0


Same game – different team for the MTR win over TNT.  Once again centers, Jim MacDonald and Steve Bethune lit it up with a 2-0 victory over TNT.  The only change was that Steve Bethune notched the game winner this week.  This was a gritty game, but MTR held fast as the 3rd period wound down.  Mark Evans posted another playoff shutout and has yet to be scored on for the playoffs.  Onward to the championship!



03/16/2004     Marine Tap vs. Screen Ideas

Marine Tap defeats Screen Ideas 2-0


Playoff energy was in the air as MTR skated to a 2-0 win over the boys in blue from Screen Ideas.  Jim MacDonald opened the scoring by tapping in the puck left on the goal line behind goalie Lance Sowa.  Steve Bethune put in the insurance goal in the 2nd.  That was all MTR needed as goalie Mark Evans delivered a stellar performance with a playoff shutout.



03/09/2004     Marine Tap vs. Howell’s/Racquets

Marine Tap defeated by Howell’s/Racquets 4-1


MTR just did not have the right stuff Tuesday night as they were put away by H/R 4-1.  Jim MacDonald had the lone goal for MTR.  MTR is going to need to sharpen their game for the playoffs.



03/02/2004     Marine Tap vs. Westside/Fricano’s

Marine Tap ties Westside/Fricano’s 3-3


It was “Clash of the Titans” Tuesday night as MTR battled Westside for dominance.  Steve Bethune opened quickly with a quick wrist shot from close range.  In the 2nd, Steve Haines knocked in a rebound from the slot to go up 2-0.  Westside answered back quickly with 2 goals to tie the game.  With about 6 minutes left, Tim Schuppe (Westside), got an on-ice shot past goalie Mark Evans in what looked like would be the game winner.  With just over 2 minutes left in the game, Bob Sikkenga was carrying the puck out of the Westside end when Steve Vaughan skated in for a pick-pocket steal.  Steve patiently held the puck as goalie Keith Gabris went down, then banged in the puck to tie the game – awesome finish!



02/24/2004     Marine Tap vs. Tan-n-Tone

Marine Tap ties Tan-n-Tone 2-2


The puck was a flyin’ as MTR threw a barrage of shot’s at TnT goalie Bobby Graham Tuesday night.  MTR came loaded for bear with three lines of wingers.  Coming off the injured reserve list was left winger Rich St.Denis – welcome back Rich!  TnT opened the scoring breaking through the defense to go up 1-0 in the first.  Brent Finner answered with a redirected shot to tie the game.  TnT then went up in the 2nd with a goal off the face-off in the MTR zone.  Brent Finner came back once again shooting in his own rebound over top of a fallen Bobby Graham.  Bobby played especially tough in the 3rd with a spectacular leg in the air save to keep the game at 2-2.  MTR severely out shot TnT but was unable to come up with the “W”.



02/17/2004     Marine Tap vs. Mainstreet Pub

Marine Tap defeats Mainstreet Pub 5-1

MTR was back in the groove Tuesday in a solid victory over Mainstreet Pub.  No doubt inspired by Brent Finner’s motivational editorial from the previous week, MTR went into the game determined.  Bill Parson’s opened the scoring with a redirected shot past goalie Mike Allsbrook.  Mainstreet answered back when goalie Mark Evans decided to make things a bit more challenging by throwing Les Poort’s shot right back at him for another chance.  Les skated around Mark for the easy goal.  After that it was all business as Brent Finner blazed past the defense for a top shelf game winner.  Jim MacDonald then notched another redirected shot past Allsbrook.  Bill Parson’s then came up with an unprecedented 2nd goal of the night when he took a pass from Steve Vaughan who had draw Allsbrook out of the net.  Steve Vaughan then finished the evening with a breakaway goal in the 3rd.  The MTR defense, Larry Finner, Tracy Adams, Mark Cybulski, and Bill Parson’s were as solid as they have been all year – great job guys!



02/10/2004     Marine Tap vs. Lakeshore/Antonio’s

Marine Tap Clobbered by Lakeshore/Antonio’s 4-2

In a lack luster performance, MTR was out skated and out hustled by Lakeshore.  The Men in Black doubled up MTR by a 4-2 score.  MTR had blue in their sweater trim but not in their collars as there was no sign of work ethic.  Hopefully MTR will look to rebound next week.  All team members should have dental work done, to have the silver spoons removed from their mouths, as victories in this league will not be handed over on a Silver Platter.


By Brent Finner


02/03/2004     Marine Tap vs. Time Out Lounge

Marine Tap defeats Tim Out Lounge 2-1

In a defensive battle, Marine Tap took it to TOL 2-1 for the win.  MTR went down 1-0 in the 2nd period when Tom Winegar deflected a shot from in front of goalie Mark Evans.  This would prove to be TOL’s lone goal.  Jeff VanStratt answered with a power play goal, the result of a double minor penalty on TOL.  The game remained scoreless until later in the 3rd period.  Brent Finner took charge with a blazing breakaway for the go-ahead goal and game winner with about 4 minutes left in the game.  It looked as though TOL was going to keep their emotions in check until a skirmish took place next to MTR goalie Mark Evans.  The result was the Winegar boys both sitting in the box along with MTR defenseman Bill Parsons.  With the win, MTR has a solid lock on 2nd place.



01/20/2004     Marine Tap vs. Howell’s/Racquets

Marine Tap defeats to Howell’s/Racquets 5-3

In a steady game, Marine Tap took it to HR for a 5-3 victory.  Steve Vaughan opened with a close range shot to put MTR on the scoreboard.  HR was awarded a penalty shot in which Matt Pinter tallied to tie the game.  MTR answered with a power play goal by Bill Parsons standing at Vern Rich’s doorstep, within a few seconds to regain the lead, 2-1.  Jeff VanStratt then top shelved one past Vern Rich in the 2nd.  Ken Sipe, in another guest appearance, tallied in the 3rd for the 4-1 lead.  Steve Haines finished the scoring by cleaning up the garbage left from a 2 on 1 attempt from Steve Vaughan and Jim MacDonald.  With 3 minutes left in the game MTR let their guard down a bit allowing 2 quick goals by HR to threaten a comeback tie.  HR’s comeback was squelched in the final minute resulting in the 5-3 win for MTR.



01/13/2004     Marine Tap vs. Westside/Fricano’s

Marine Tap loses to Westside/Fricano’s 5-4

In a “Clash of the Titans” match up Marine Tap took it on the chin from Westside/Fricano’s with a 5-4 loss.  Making a guest appearance, Ken Sipe opened the scoring in the1st period.  Later in the period Jim MacDonald tallied with number 2 to put MTR up 2-0 at the end of the 1st.  W/F answered in the 2nd with a pair of goals to tie the game.  In the 3rd, W/F proceeded to go up by another.  Ken Sipe came to the rescue again to tie the game.  W/F seemed determined and came back with another to go up 4-3.  Ken Sipe, the man of the hour, proceeded to claim his hat trick to tie the game again.  With three minutes left, a questionable call went against Ken Sipe as he was sent to the sin bin.  W/F scored within 10 seconds with the go-ahead goal and game winner to put the score at 5-4.  This was a fast paced well-played game.



01/06/2004     Marine Tap vs. Tan-n-Tone

Marine Tap defeats Tan-n-Tone 3-2

Marine Tap took it to Tan-n-Tone after the holidays with a 3-2 victory.  Steve Haines opened the scoring redirecting a shot from Larry Finner.  Steve Vaughan then banged one from the side off of the stick of TnT defenseman Tom Alderink, to go up 2-0.  TnT came back with a goal in the 2nd to threaten a comeback.  In a mad scramble in front of goalie Bob Graham, Steve Haines managed to knock in a loose puck to go up 3-1.  TnT answered with one more goal in the 3rd leaving MTR with the final one goal lead.  The win was not without cost as Mark Cybulski was dazed with a puck in the ear and Jeff VanStratt suffered a hard fall.

Steve Haines


12/15/2003     Marine Tap vs. Mainstreet

Marine Tap loses to Mainstreet 5-4

Marine Tap took a 5-4 beating from Mainstreet.  Missing from action was Jim MacDonald, Steve Haines, and Steve Bethune.

Steve Haines


12/8/2003      Marine Tap vs. Lakeshore/Antonio’s

Marine Tap defeats Lakeshore/Antonio’s 6-2

In steady game MTR defeated LA 6-2.  MTR looking steady going into the holidays.

Steve Haines


12/2/2003      Marine Tap vs. Time Out Lounge

Marine Tap defeats Time Out Lounge 3-2

In a penalty riddled game MTR skated to a 3-2 win over TO.  Rich St.Denis opened the night with quick wrister from close range.  Jim MacDonald notched the 2nd tally with drive up the slot.  Jeff VanStratt was credited with the game winner putting MTR up 3-1 in the 3rd.  Bill Parsons, in Jim Derezinski style, knocked in a cross-ice pass for TO with 33 seconds left in the game.  MTR held on for the “W”.

Steve Haines


11/25/2003     Marine Tap vs. Screen Ideas

Marine Tap defeats Screen Ideas 3-0

There was holiday magic in the air as MTR skated to a 3-0 win over screen ideas with sub goalie Scott Christmas.  Steve Haines opened the night with a on ice shot past goalie Lance Sowa.  The score stayed 1-0 until the third period when Steve Vaughan banged in a rebound.  Brent Finner notched the insurance goal from point-blank range.  Kudos to Tracy Adams, Bill Parsons, and Larry Finner on defense – great job guys.  Scott Christmas – great job on the shutout.  Happy Thanksgiving!

Steve Haines



11/18/2003     Marine Tap vs. Howell’s/Racquets

Marine Tap ties Howell’s/Racquets 2-2

Marine Tap relinquished a 2 goal lead to end up with a tie in Tuesday’s game against Howell’s/Racquets.  Jim MacDonald opened the scoring followed with a tally by Steve Bethune in the 1st period.  HR came back with a goal in the 2nd and 3rd periods.  Not much to say on this game.  If  anyone has anything to add, let me know.

Steve Haines


11/11/2003     Marine Tap vs. Westside/Fricano’s

Westside defeats Marine Tap 5-3

Westside/Fricano’s scored on the first shift and never lost the lead all night.  It wasn't our worst game, but not much went right all night.   Our passes were off all night, we missed open nets, etc.   WF took advantage of our mistakes and we couldn't get a bounce.   We deserved to lose.

The good news is we are still in first place.

Larry Finner


11/04/2003     Marine Tap vs. Tan-n-Tone

Marine Tap defeats Tan-n-Tone 5-2

Marine Tap went to a sparkling 5-0 record Tuesday as they put away Tan-n-Tone 5-2.  Steve Bethune tallied early in the first period.  Soon after, Steve Haines flipped a back hand past Bobby Graham.  Tan-n-Tone came back with 2 goals to tie the game.  Steve Vaughan notched the game winner followed by insurance goals from Bill Parsons and Jim MacDonald.  MTR will face their arch nemesis Tuesday @ 10:10, the Westside Inn boys.

Steve Haines


10/28/2003     Marine Tap vs. Main Street

Marine Tap defeats Main Street 2-0

Marine Tap moved the mark to 4-0 Tuesday as they put away Main Street 2-0.  Tracy Adams opened the scoring in the 1st period with a redirected blast from the point.  In the second period Brent Finner fired a shot past screened goalie, Mike Allsbrook from Main Street, to go up 2-0.  In the 3rd, ref Ron Stevenson waved off an MTR goal by Steve Haines on a questionable high stick call.  The win did not come without cost as Tracy Adams paid in blood with a 10-stitch gash to the chin.  When asked about wearing a full mask after the game, Tracy pointed out that those are for wimps!

Steve Haines


10/21/2003     Marine Tap vs. Lakeshore/Antonio’s

Marine Tap defeats Lakeshore/Antonio’s 2-0

Marine Tap extended their winning streak to 3 games on Tuesday with a big win over LA.  Although MTR outplayed LA most of the game, scoring was hard to come by.  In the 1st period Rich St.Denis found himself alone with the puck in front of goalie Todd Wheeler (LA) as a result of a face off.  Rich slid to the far left and buried the shot as Todd lay on the ice.  Late in the 1st period, Steve Vaughn shot a wrister past a screened goalie to go up 2-0.  The boys from MTR played gritty the remainder of the game with many scoring chances. 

Steve Haines


10/14/2003     Marine Tap vs. Time Out Lounge

Marine Tap defeats Tim Out Lounge 4-3

In a close, hard fought game, Marine Tap came out victorious over the Time Out Lounge by a score of 4-3 in Tuesday Night Men's Hockey.  Marine tap jumped out to a 2 goal lead in the first period, only to see the lead disappear as Timeout Lounge fought back to tie the game.  Marine Tap then scored the next 2 goals to take a 4-2 lead early in the third period.  Time Out scored again, just past the mid point of the third period, to make it a close game.  Marine Tap, however, showed their grit and held on for the win.   Ken Sipe, a last minute call up from the sub list, scored two goals for Marine Tap.  Jim MacDonald and Brent Finner scored the other goals for Marine Tap.

Larry Finner



10/07/2003     Marine Tap vs. Screen Ideas

Marine Tap defeats Screen Ideas 4-2

Marine Tape opened the season with a tough “W” Tuesday against Screen Ideas.  Jeff Bondy opened the scoring for SI.  Marine Tap answered soon after in the first period with an odd man rush from Jim MacDonald.  Mike Hanson from SI tallied in the 2nd with a quick wrist shot to go up 2-1.  Steve Vaughan tapped in a rebound that was not seen by goalie Lance Sowa in the 2nd.  With 5 minutes left in the 3rd period, Steve Bethune banged in a rebound in what proved to be the game winner.  With a minute to go, SI pulled the goalie, allowing a steal by Rich St.Denis to assure the win with an open net goal.  Always good to win the first game!  Go MTR!

Steve Haines